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blackax 10-29-2012 10:57 AM

Is there a way to limit people to a single welcome thread?

Shaolin Crane 10-29-2012 11:23 AM

Sure. The problem is the bots are getting better. SCS was hit by bots that were waiting out the post timer and they lit the boards up. I guess a 5 post minimum starting in the intro section could help but that's rather annoying

Vettezuki 10-29-2012 11:36 AM

It would take a little special logic, but not such a big deal to limit the number of threads STARTED in a forum section to one. I wouldn't limit the number of replies obviously.

And yes, bots are getting way better at circumventing.

blackax 10-29-2012 11:58 AM

Its sad cuz i got like 20 emails lastnight and they where all spam :(

94cobra69ss396 10-29-2012 12:19 PM

I've probably removed 30 spam posts since last night at least. The past two days have been crazy.

Shaolin Crane 10-29-2012 01:51 PM

Same here, it's getting fucking ridiculous

Vettezuki 10-29-2012 03:26 PM

Me too. I've changed the registration system to require new members to be moderated. This will be a PITA for me and will delay legit users getting in, but will stop bots. There may be some "sleepers" in the current user list, I'll clean them out tonight.

fiveohwblow 10-29-2012 03:33 PM

Sorry I know I blew you guys up with reports but I hate them too and like reports on the board I admin for.

Vettezuki 10-30-2012 03:01 AM

I set the registration to moderation only and terminated all obvious bots. This will stop the bot spam at the expense of a PITA for me and delaying registration for legit users.

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