Thread: Conspiracy
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Old 12-22-2008, 04:37 PM   #58
DJ DepDJ Dep is offline
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Originally Posted by Durango_Boy View Post
Not really, I just think you're an idiot and I have no plans to do anything you suggest. You'll very rarely find a post of mine that's just a smiley, unlike quite a few of your own ilk that commonly post just again, you're being hypocritical when your own friends are guilty of the same things you accuse me of.

More to the point, I don't flaunt anything...I dare you to find it, and I cite no alleged expertise or authority and I certainly don't show new members anything but respect and kindness...something I think waved bye bye to you long ago.

My only motto is that "No question is a stupid question except the question never asked."...AND, I don't post in every thread. In fact, I'm in only a few threads on the first page of only two sections.

Stop blowing things out of proportion in an attempt to belittle someone else. It shows everyone else here who you truly are.

Nice try DB. But you can't rewrite history. We have all seen you posting crap about Dodge truck carburetors and all kinds of OT junk in the Corvette forum. Then you run around accusing people of not obeying the rules. You are one major hypocrite.

And stop trying to steer me off topic. Either the stars and post count mean something to you or they don't. If they don't, I can easily arrange for them to be deleted. Hell, I'll delete mine while we're at it. If they do, well....that just confirms what we already know and what has been stated by me in this thread.