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Old 02-19-2009, 02:39 PM   #127
IanIan is offline
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Originally Posted by SeanPlunk View Post
I have a lot of the same mods, but you have more

They can do wideband if you already have a dongle for it and they can get to it easily as I recall.

I'm not big on octane boosters - the bottle stuff isn't supposed to do much of anything. If you're using something like Torco though that would do it. I'm not sure why you would need it actually. Did you actually get a dyno tune or did you mail order a chip from amazon?
Well thanks, far from as many as i want though..

Well i suppose i could pull a o2 from my x if they want to put it in tail pipe wideband? Obviously it would be a little less effective after cat but i would like to log the A/F to check them..

I dont run a booster a lot but i had a tuning issue and found it (did) make the issue go away. Found out my plug gap was too tall. Took them down to .28 and my studder/chug went away.

I have been to the dyno i think like 4 or 5 times now. Every time i just send Rick at amazon my log files and he adjusts as necessary. So its kinda both

Apparently per the svtp site there are two more cars going that have almost 1000hp a 2valve and 4 valve.. pretty excited to see that!
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