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Old 03-09-2009, 12:07 PM   #5
SexyLxySexyLxy is offline
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Originally Posted by Vettezuki View Post
I work for a very strong company and we had 5% reduction a week ago. I don't want to stress you out, but they won't tell you in advance, because you have access to sensitive computing systems. If you were to wig out you could cause serious damage. Usually someone would come to your desk, ask you to gather your things and escort you out of the building. It seems cold, but things are done a certain way for a reason.

Don't spend too much of your life thinking about anything out of your control. It's really a profound waste. Whatever decisions have been made are made. If your time is up, now might be a good time to go back to school to extend your skill set. I don't mean to be alarmist, but I think this is only the beginning of a fiercely more competitive era. Or consider starting your own business. You have both cooking and photography skills. What about catering or photography for weddings and the like? Just an off the cuff idea. Stay hopeful, optimistic, work hard and you'll be fine.
Thank you Ben for your kind advice. I am trying to stay positive but it's just so frustrating Just when things are going so great...BAM, you get hit with reality. In the back of my head I knew it was coming. We've been strung along for some time now and I knew that we couldn't keep operating with the amount of staff that we have now and the numbers that we're dealing with. 1 person can do the work of 3 right now.

ZexGX, I'm sorry to hear about your position. We're you given a sevrance package? Any job prospects yet? I really could care less if I lost my job (although I hope I don't, since i've been here almost 3 years) it's finding a new one that scares the living bajesus out of me (brand new mortgage payment) Thank goodness for unemployment

Also, ZexGX, your situation sounds very familiar to mine. We keep getting company emails, all is ok all is ok, we're just cutting back, no raises, no 401k matching, and so on. Then out of no know what happens.

Ben, I would love to think I could start a business but the things that I would love to get into take a decent amount of start up money. To update my photography equipment (which is desperately needed) would be about 6k, and as for catering, depending on how big I went, some catering equipment would also be necessary. It's just costly but don't get me wrong I would love to do those.

We'll see, I keep you guys posted.
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