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Old 09-26-2011, 05:49 PM   #4
Small White CarSmall White Car is offline
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Originally Posted by Damian View Post
That's what's wrong with companies these days, they rely entirely on what's on a computer screen. I'm trying to find a new water pump for my liquid to air intercooler, and everyone has a dumb look on their face when I try and explain to them what I need.

The auto parts company down the street has a great customer service record (J&C Auto Supply in Whittier) the auto part selling corporation across town, not so much.

Turns out J&C pays their employees for their knowledge and dedication, VatoZone will pay any schlub off the street a bit over minimum to read a screen and match numbers.

Corporations may be considered a 'person' but frankly that guy is usually a fucking asshole.

You know, after a minute of thinking about it, the AutoZone about six and a half miles from me is a hub, it would seem that a fair percentage of the guys there know what they're looking for, however since this store sends parts to the rest I imagine they need to.
Two bulls are standing on top of a mountain. The younger one says to the older one: "Hey pop, what's say we run down there and fuck one of them cows". "No son" the older one says,"Lets walk down and fuck 'em all".
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